
How I grew to love toddlerhood

In 2005 I homeschooled my eldest daughter as she hated school and wouldn’t cooperate with her teachers. She was a very smart girl and I knew she found school boring. I found she enjoyed listening to and reading books, and so began our learning adventure. We had so much fun following all the topics of a 3rd Grader but continuing our interests as learning opened up a wonderful fun world. For Moms who generally have a hard time enthusiastically doing more than baking cookies and reading a book, this is an adventure into growing the love of learning for your child and watching their interest take leaps and bounds.

The best way to use this website is to find a topic and check your local library for books and videos. Don’t rule out documentaries for young children. They will watch them when there is no Disney distraction. I request my material online so just have to pick it up at the end of the day. From there I print or drawn some colouring and painting pages and read the books throughout the day as my toddler requests so he’s ready to enjoy. Snack time is a perfect opportunity to do something fun and continue to the learning, and there are many more links to activities.

I suggest you take what you find interesting from each lesson, and spend a week on a letter, or just work your way thru the alphabet at your own pace. Using a slightly more structured learning plan will ensure your toddler will have all the basic knowledge when he/she begins school. All areas of learning will be covered during this course, letters, numbers, colours, shapes, feelings, and all about me!!

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